The Altar Guild experienced some changes this year. We were happy to welcome back long-time member, Tess Meader. Her return to serve as a member of the Guild provides us with a wealth of knowledge and ability. The Guild also suffered the sad loss of one of our most dedicated members, Shirley O’Donnell. Although Shirley was not active the past few years prior to her passing she continued to be a wonderful resource for our ministry. Her dedication to the church and this ministry was truly inspiring.
We as a guild continue to be a ministry that is performed in the quiet moments leading up to and following each service. Members of the guild serve by preparing and cleaning the altar for Sunday Services, Baptisms, Weddings, Funerals, and any other occasions requiring our attention. Under the direction of our priest, this small group continues to meet the needs of our parish by efficiently carrying out our duties. The current members of your Altar Guild include Julie Dempsey, Joanie Dowd, Tess Meader, Sandy Sutherland and Jane Stout.
The supplies of candle oil, wine, grape juice and communion wafers are typically purchased through the Church’s General Operating Budget, special purchases of linens or other altar appointments may be purchased through a memorial fund. In 2022 we purchased corporals, purificators and palls to replace those that were no longer suitable for use. This year we will need to dry clean some of our altar hangings. The Guild will evaluate the costs of these actions and prioritize them based upon what is most needed.
We always welcome new members to our guild and if there are any parishioners interested in joining us, we will happily lead you through our practices.