
Our Staff


Rev. Kate is a passionate follower of Jesus.  She has served as Bridge Priest at St. Peter’s in Weston, MA, was the Interim Priest at St. Michael’s, Holliston MA, and Rector and Redeveloper for Trinity Episcopal Parish in Melrose, MA.  Kate+ is originally from Cincinnati, Ohio and has also lived in the Pacific NW, Virginia and Tennessee where she received her M.Div. at the School of Theology, Sewanee. She is a certified Spiritual Director and Spiritual Life Coach and until recently, has been bi-vocational as a Hospice Chaplain.

Kate+ cohabitates with her beloved cat, many houseplants and a deck garden. In the past few years, she has taken up golfing again after 30+ years and is slightly obsessed with it! She is a visual artist, enjoys gardening, and walking outside, noticing signs of God’s joyful in-breaking in the world.

Organist and Choir Director


  Sarah Hostetter has been Organist/Choir Director with Trinity Episcopal Church since 2007. She continues to work effortlessly with our small choir to  provide musical leadership for congregational singing in the worship of the church. The choir may also sing anthems or make other special musical offerings to beautify and enhance the experience of worship.

Administrative Assistant

 Cheri Krueger has been the Admnistrative Assistant for Trinity Episcopal Church since May of 2008. She works closely with the priest and ministry chairpersons to ensure communication to the parish. Cheri is available to answer any of your questions Monday-Friday from 9:00-4:00.

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